The site you can pay for your flight ticket with debit/credit card of Visa/MasterCard payment system.
To pay for the booked tickets, you need to enter following details in the corresponding fields:
- Payment card number — 16 digits on the front side of the card should be entered without spaces.
or CVV2 codes — 3 digits on the reverse side of the card. If there are
more digits, you should enter only the last three ones. In the absence
of such code, please contact the issuing bank for the details.
- Expiry date — the month and the year are on the front side of the card.
- Cardholder's name.
Attention! You may pay for the ticket only via the methods displayed on the booking page.
The payment may be processed by the bank payment systems for several minutes. Don't pay for the same ticket several times in a row - wait for the payment system response, otherwise you may be charged twice.
Should you be unable to pay for the booking with your debit/credit card, familiarize yourself with possible reasons for denial by following this
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